I FULLY agree with last Friday's column by health correspondent Salma Khalik, 'Start school later and let children sleep longer'. Our primary school children are Singapore's future. Why are we allowing transport operators to determine what time our schools should start? Unlike double session schools, it doesn't make sense for single session schools to start before 7.30am.
We do not have to depend on the numerous studies out there to tell us how important it is to have enough sleep for optimal performance.
Despite this truism, many single session schools still have not taken the step to help students by starting classes later in the morning.
When I asked the Ministry of Education about this issue last year, the reply was that it was up to the schools to decide.
However, some of the schools may prefer the status quo, others may have more pressing day-to- day issues to deal with. And then there are schools that may not have the leverage to negotiate effectively with transport operators.
Shouldn't the pillars of education such as the ministry, school principals and teachers, and parents agree and insist that schools start later than 7.30am or that no school starts earlier than 7.30am?
I urge the relevant authorities and stakeholders to start finding a solution.
Or do they consider it absolutely beneficial for children to wake up at 5.30am or 6am each day to make it to school by 7.15am?
Which other major part of Singapore life starts before 7.30am, apart from fast food chains, coffee shops and transport operators?
Why are we resisting the inclination to improve the lot of primary school pupils?
Several primary schools in the east are already starting school between 7.40am and 8am. I salute these schools which have taken the initiative and made the right decision.
I implore the rest to do so.
Ang Chong Poon
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