Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why accept diploma only from 5 polys-

I AM keen to join the police force. With this in mind, I took a two-year course with the Management Development Institute of Singapore, leading to an advanced diploma which I obtained in March.

However, in the past year, it appears the job application form on the police website has been restructured so one may apply as a direct-entry sergeant with a diploma only from one of the five local polytechnics, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, LaSalle College of the Arts or the Singapore Hotel And Tourism Education Centre.

What about candidates in a similar position to me?

A reply from the recruitment division of the Singapore Police Force stated that the police force accepts diplomas only from the five local polytechnics.

Is a candidate who has an equivalent qualification from a private institution any less capable of being a police officer than one from a local polytechnic?

Why does the police force need to set such a requirement, when no basic qualifications in any of the institutions I have listed are directly related to police work?

Even if one is shortlisted, one must still pass interviews with the recruitment division. I assume it is in these interviews that recruitment officers assess each candidate and decide if he is suitable to join the police force.

I am already mentally prepared for the rigours of the job, and this is the only hurdle stopping me from being where I want to be.

I read often enough about the shortage of manpower in the police force and recruitment challenges, especially among Singaporeans. So why are educated and willing candidates like me barred from trying?

Basil Yeo


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