Saturday, December 13, 2008

Subsidised training in health care

FACED with a rising demand for health-care workers, the Government yesterday unveiled a heavily subsidised three-year training programme that promises 150 Singaporeans hospital jobs upon graduation.

The Nanyang Polytechnic course, which starts in April, aims to produce registered nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and radiographers.

Trainees fork out only about $6,600 for the programme costing about $50,000, thanks to subsidies from the Workforce Development Agency (WDA). They also get a monthly allowance from hospitals where they will serve a three-year bond after the course.

WDA chief executive Chan Heng Kee said the combination of training and employment will help those who want to switch over to health care in mid-career.

A seminar today at Nanyang Polytechnic will provide more information about the Healthcare Professionals Conversion Programme. To register, call WDA on 6883-5885.



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